BackUp Maker

BackUp Maker
Version history
Edition comparison
Important notes
Main window
Main menu
Backup Wizard
File selection
Filter options
Execution interval
Execution warranty
Backup type
Extended settings
Security settings
Procedure before/after backup
Split backup
Target directory
Backup name
Restore Wizard
Files list
Order & support

Topic: Restore Wizard

The Restore wizard takes you through extracting and restoring backed up files. There are a number of options in this wizard which are described below.

After clicking on the Restore button the program asks you to select a zipped backup file. Highlight the file you wish to restore, and click on the Open button.

Object: Browser window

Use the Browser window to indicate the target folder into which you wish to restore the files. Highlight the target folder by clicking on it.

Note: Restoring to the original folder

If you want to restore all files and folders from the backup to their original location, make sure you select the hard drive from where the backup was taken. In addition, enable the Keep directory structure checkbox.

Option: Keep directory structure

In order to restore the files into their original folder, enable the Keep directory structure checkbox. This way, your files and folders will be restored to reflect exactly the same file structure they had before they were backed up.

Option: Restore new files only

Enable the Restore new files checkbox if you want to make sure that existing files in the target folder are only overwritten by backup files if these are of a newer date.

Copyright ⌐ 2002-2007
ASCOMP Software GmbH,